Fast and furious, and with heckling the judge absolutely encouraged, this inter-club competition is a firm favourite in the calendar.
This year hosted by Pinner, and featuring Field End as well as ourselves.
Each club takes their own projector and a screen. The principle is to compete with an image that as closely as possible matches the first slide in the round. Points are given for the closest match and also for the quality of the image if it is deemed to match.
Time: 8.00 pm
Venue: Fairfield Church, Windsor Close, Northwood Hills, HA6 1PD
If any members would like to share transport, please contact Kristin or Paul
Traditionally this has been an all Print competition. However, given the shift of some authors away from Print, we now have:
Print Dell (Mono)
Print Pietruski (Colour)
PDI Dell (Mono)
PDI Pietruski (Colour)
Authors may choose to enter one Dell and one Pietruski competition in either Print or PDI but not both. A maximum of 4 images per author on the night, with a maximum of 3 in a given category.
Trophies will be awarded.
Judge: Peter Cox
TALK : JOHN HUMPHREY "Creative and Experimental Photography"
From abstract to macro, John is well known for creativity in his photography, and this evening he will show some of the techniques he uses.
John writes:
Photographers often experience the equivalent of ‘writers block’ where no new ideas come to mind and our photographs are record shots rather than demonstrations of our creativity and artistry. This presentation introduces ideas and techniques designed to reawaken creativity and convert our pictures into personal artworks.
John’s techniques are the subject of his workshops and presentations for the Royal Photographic Society, and his book Creative and Experimental Photography.
John specialises in art and macro photography. He is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and presents RPS workshops on Creative Art Photography, Macro Photography, and Advanced Photoshop. He has a professional background in the management of mental health and runs workshops that use photography as an aid to mental wellbeing and personal resilience.
His work has been in many exhibitions including the International Print and Projected Image Exhibitions of the RPS and the London Salon Annual Exhibitions. His books ‘Close-up and Macro Photography’ and ‘Creative and Experimental Photography’ are published by the Crowood Press.
Examples of John’s work can be viewed on his website
COMPETITION : Projected #10
Please note that this competition will be held via Zoom as The Brentham Club is not available.
Set Subject: Pairs
Judge: Kathy Chantler
The annual derby between the two local clubs of Northfields Camera Club and EHHPS.
This year, we will be hosted by Northfields so come and show your support!
Venue: Northfields Camera Club, Room 2,
Northfields Community Centre,
71a Northcroft Road,
W13 9SS
Time: 8 pm
Judge: Tim Morland
Though this has traditionally been a prints only competition, we now accept either print or PDI images.
A panel is a set of images with a common theme, link or story which will be judged and assessed as a whole not as individual images.
There will be two competitions on the night. Authors to choose either:
Panel of Prints:
Up to two panels of 3 prints per Author
Individual images should be mounted on boards no larger than 40cm x 50cm. If several images are submitted on one board it is recommended that individual prints should be a minimum of 20cm (8 inches) along one side.
Panel of PDIs:
Up to two panels of 3 PDIs per author.
Each panel must consist of three PDI images plus a composite PDI showing the arrangement of the images.
Judge: Kevin Day
We make a return journey to Tring & District Camera Club for their three-way competition.
This competition is along the lines of a match-a-digi, with the three clubs taking part being Tring (obviously), ImageZ, and ourselves. It’s a good, fun, competition with points being for Quality and Match awarded as follows:
The first image offered is marked out of 5 points for Quality, then the other two matching images are then marked out of 5 for Quality, plus out of 5 for Match.
There is a nice Italian restaurant (Storia) only doors away from where Tring meet and any who are interested could meet there beforehand for something to eat. Let Kristin know if you are up for this and we’ll make the appropriate booking.
Venue: Baptist Hall, High Street, Tring, HP23 4BA
Time: 8pm
SET SUBJECT EVENING : "The Brentham Club Project"
The background to this evening is the “The Brentham Club Project” initiated by Annie Hackett.
The Brentham Club have kindly agreed that we can show our pictures in the main hall, to publicise EHHPS and to cheer the place up a bit. Annie has been working on this over October and November ‘24 and may have approached you for a print.
However, what the Brentham Club would like even more is to have some ‘arty pictures’ of the (Brentham) club, and this has made an interesting project for us over the year, for some fresh photography. This doesn’t just mean photos of the building itself, but to represent some of the many activities and events.
Tonight’s meeting picks up from our initial look at images taken in the early part of the season and is an opportunity to share our images of The Brentham Club and all that goes on there that we have taken throughout the year. This may take the form of an informal competition. We will then display some of these images at the club, and the Brentham Club may be interested in using some of them in their publicity material, so it’s a good opportunity to see your work being shared publicly.
The Club is the Judge!
A lively and sociable evening as members judge on all the images that have scored twenty throughout the year.
Revealed: The Twenty of Twenties!
The final event in the EHHPS calendar with the Annual General Meeting and the inauguration of the committee for the new season.
After the AGM, we will be announcing the winners of all the aggregate competitions held throughout the year.
There will be events scheduled across the summer, rounding up with the traditional Barbecue at which the trophies will be presented.
TALK : Andy Sands "Natural history"
We are delighted to welcome back Andy Sands to the club to give us one of his stunning presentations on natural history.
Definitely not to be missed!
Set up by Tring & District Camera Club, this competition has now been going for three years and features images from a wide range of clubs.
Further information can be found here
Hosted on Zoom.
TALK | STEVE BRABNER "The Stories Behind my Favourite Images"
A warm welcome to Steve Brabner who writes:
I have been making creative images for over 40 years but few make it to my personal Hall of Fame. They were not usually the result of being at the right place at the right time, but emerged from a germ of an idea, a heap of exposures and long periods of experimentation and reflection. I will tell the stories behind a dozen or so unique images taken at home and abroad. How they evolved, and related images that they spawned along the way.
I bought my first SLR for a visit to Hong Kong in the 1970s. After joining Harrow Camera Club my knowledge of composition and camera controls developed into colour print-making. Moving to Amersham in 1983 I joined the Amersham Photographic Society where I have been a member (and past Chairman) ever since. An engineer by training and career, photography is, for me, the perfect combination of technical and aesthetic skills. Working in the USA for four years in the 1990s I learnt Photoshop, often visited Adobe in San Jose and experienced the exciting bow-wave of the digital revolution. Suddenly I had an unlimited toolbox to manipulate images and be creative. On my return to Amersham, I formed a Digital Group which I led for 20 years. My frustration with look-alike club photography slowly grew and I created The Amersham Beyond Group in 2019 to encourage experimentation and photo art. Despite success in competition I have avoided the traditional pursuit of photographic distinctions and gone my own way with visually distinctive images and creative digital techniques which I continue to offer in talks to interested groups.
Round 3 of the Rosebowl with EHHPS up against Imagez and Stoke Poges.
Held at Imagez
Back at The Brentham for this competition after the zoom break through December and January.
Set subject: Wave/s
Judge: Lloyd Moore
This time we are having a theme for half the evening; a sort of informal set subject which will be “Tales of the Unexpected”. Do think outside the box, push the envelope of believability and access the quirky! This is a chance to revel in the bizarre!
For this evening, please upload your images via PhotoEntry.
There will be a judge and constructive feedback given on your images (which can be work in progress) but there will be no scores awarded and the competition will not form part of the year’s aggregate.
For the second part of the evening, we will review the images taken by members at various events as part of The Brentham Club project.
There’ll be a follow-up evening in May looking at the The Brentham Club Project across the year’s events.
Tips and techniques shared by members to enable you to get the best out of your images.
We can usually cover a couple of areas in an evening so, if you have a particular thing you would like to show and/or get advice about, then let us know so we can set up someone to help.
Amanda will be on hand and we’ll also be looking at images for potential entry into the Intimate Scapes inter-club competition which is held in February hosted on Zoom by Tring & District Camera Club.
The now traditional seasonal get-together for members and their guests and always a great occasion.
We’ll need to know your Menu choices in advance and also if you have any dietary requirements.
The cost will be £46 which is calculated as the fixed price for the 3-course meal of £39.95* plus 15% Service. This year we will be collecting this in advance so that, on the night, the only thing payable will be the drinks. (As usual, you’ll be responsible for settling the bill for your own drinks.)
The menu is here. Please could you let Kristin know you will be attending.
*+£6 (including service) if you order the steak which is an extra £5
EHHPS are joined via Zoom by:
Banbury CC
Leighton Buzzard
Kidlington CCPG
Hosting: NorthWest Fed Match D3
The third Match of the NWFed with our group (D) this year consisting of Amersham, Stoke Poges PC and EHHPS
EVENT | PRACTICAL - Tennis Shoot and Post Production Seminar
This offers two opportunities:
A tennis shoot, organised by Annie Hackett with the co-operation of the Brentham Club
Bring your cameras if you would like to take some action shots on the tennis courts. Some of the members of the Brentham tennis club are willing to have a photographer on the court with them while they play. No tripods allowed, but the courts are floodlit, so the light should be OK with a wide aperture lens.
Tennis play ends at 9 pm so please arrive early at 7:30 pm and go directly to the courts, but be sure to check in with Annie before starting to shoot.
Alternatives to Lightroom and Photoshop
What to look for in editing software, and practical demonstration of the various packages on offer, led by Rick and Paul
External Competition: Rosebowl Round One
EHHPS’s first appearance in this season’s Rosebowl competition is hosted by Field End PS. Also competing are Oxford and Hemel Hempstead
An open evening where you should feel free to bring along images on which you would like constructive feedback. These can be images you are working on, or those you are not sure how to treat.
If you would like advice on a particular post production technique, then please let Kristin know so we can set up someone with the relevant expertise.
External Competition: NorthWest Fed
The next round of the NWFed with our group (D) this year consisting of Amersham, Stoke Poges PC and EHHPS.
Amanda Wright’s report on the first meeting of this group at Stoke Poges may be found in the News Section of this website.
The Northwest Fed website gives some further information on the competition.
Our scheduled practical session for this evening has had to be changed because The Brentham Club is being used for the local elections.
This session will now be a meet at the highly convivial City Barge Pub in Strand-on-the-Green in Chiswick. Meet at 7pm if you would like to eat first, otherwise at 8pm. Weather permitting, there’ll be photo opportunities along the riverbank. Sunset is at 1817 so it will be a night shoot unless you choose to get there earlier!
The first of our four print competitions held throughout the season.
Set subject: Reflection
Judge: Kevin Day
TALK: Cliff Hide "Street Legal"
A warm welcome back to Cliff Hide whose stories behind his press photography makes for an informative and entertaining evening. Tonight, in response to member requests, he will focus on the legal aspects of photography including your rights as a street photographer, copyright and including the ever complex world of AI.
Cliff Hide has been a press photographer since 2010 after a career change away from the financial and PR worlds of the City. He is currently Business Picture Editor at The Times newspaper and has worked on the picture desks of papers such as The Mirror, Metro, Sunday Times and the (short-lived) New Day.
EXTERNAL COMPETITION: Ron Wake Memorial Trophy at Harrow Camera Club
This event, run by Harrow CC, is for prints, with only one per photographer, and no print shown before outside the entrant club. The subject matter is Open.
This competition was won last year by Paul Mason of EHHPS. Do come along and see if we can retain the trophy.
With summer but a glance over our shoulder, this is a chance to bring along some of the photographs you have taken throughout the summer break, or just generally been working on.
Welcome to a new season at EHHPS!
If you fancy joining us, do feel free to come along for a taster evening. We hold regular competitions throughout the year with, each time, an open category, a set subject category and a portrait category.
This week’s Set subject: Mauve
Judge: Mark Buckley-Sharp
As the summer edges towards the new season at EHHPS with the first meeting (Projected competition on 5th September), please join members and friends at our traditional barbecue.
Amanda and Paul have very kindly offered to host so please let Amanda know (or Kristin) if you intend to come.
Cost: £15 each. If you are able to, please bring a salad dish or pudding to share.
And, of course, please bring whatever you would like to drink.
SUMMER EVENT : Tapas Tuesday
Join us for an evening in a local tapas restaurant to enjoy some Spanish flavours and food with Mediterranean flair.
Please let Kristin know if you intend to come so we can make the appropriate reservation.
Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Avanti Acton
328 Uxbridge Road, London W3 9QP
Avanti’s website:
SUMMER EVENT : Visit the V & A "Fragile Beauty"
Hosted by Nilou Darvish and Annie Hackett
Make your own way there and meet in the V & A café at 10.30 and do please let Nilou or Annie know your intention to attend.
An unparalleled selection of the world's leading photographers, telling the story of modern and contemporary photography. Discover iconic images across subjects such as fashion, celebrity, reportage and the male body.