The Banner image shows the first President of Ealing Photographic Society, H W Peal
Ealing Photographic Society was founded in 1890, making it one of the oldest surviving photographic societies in the world.
Its members continued to meet throughout the two World Wars. Society minutes show that during WW2 bombing, they still tried to meet in individuals’ homes while a significant number of members were away fighting.
In the early 1970s, a long-established neighbouring society called Hammersmith Hampshire House Photographic Society merged with the original Ealing Photographic Society, whose name was adjusted accordingly.
Hammersmith Hampshire House Photographic Society (HHHPS)
Before merging with Ealing Photographic Society in the early 1970s to form EHHPS, HHHPS had a rich history of its own. David Bowater has kindly provided a fascinating 35 page document, outlining the history of Hammersmith House.
Names from the Hammersmith club live on in today’s EHHPS - the document gives the background to the ‘Switch’ trophy, and that of M.O. Dell….
A Club Meeting in the 1960s
Brian Hubbard, of Buckingham Camera Club, kindly donated (through Amanda Wright) this image of a Club meeting, believed to be in the 1960s at Ealing Town Hall. Brian’s father, Eric Hubbard is shown in the front row with wire-rimmed glasses. The man on his left was a good friend and active club member Eric Stoye.
Brian also passed on two images, taken by his father, which appeared in ‘Amateur Photographer’ magazine:
‘Overhead Power’ by Eric Hubbard
‘Overhead Power’: Back with labels
‘Spiral Staircase’ by Eric Hubbard
‘Spiral Staircase’ Back with Labels