Ron Wake Trophy: Amanda Wright Reports

On Tuesday evening (27th September) , Emmanuel, Dennis and I watched Kevin Day judge the Ron Wake held at Harrow Camera Club and attended by 5 clubs, Pinner, Field End, Watford, Ealing and Harrow.

Each club was invited to submit between 7 and 10 images each by a different author and unseen in external competition. Kevin had a very difficult task on his hands trying to hold back just 10 of the 46 entries and ended up holding back 13.

7 from Watford
3 from Field End
2 from Pinner
1 from EHHPS

These were then divided as follows


2 from Field End
1 from EHHPS - I Was Going To Sleep by Kris Mason

Highly Commendeds

6 from Watford
1 from Pinner


  • In 3rd Place - Pinner

  • 2nd Place - Field End

  • 1st Place - Watford

Disappointing for us (although Harrow didn’t have any images held) but Watford’s images were very strong so hardly surprising.

(Amanda Wright)