AGM: New Committee Elected

At the AGM on 13th June, the 2023024 Committee stood down but all offered themselves for re-election.

In addition, two members put themselves forward for election to the committee:

  • Annie Hackett

  • Nilou Darvish

Kristin Mason’s term as President came to an end after two years.  Burgess Taylor put himself forward for a new term as President and will, as is traditional, be supported in his first year by Kristin undertaking the responsibilities of Vice President, with a new Vice President being elected for the second year. Jane Arnold-Forster, at her own suggestion, has relinquished her role as Exhibitions Secretary, but will continue her responsibilities for BEAT.  Responsibilities for Exhibitions will be revised by the incoming committee in a manner which seeks to leverage the talents of the new members.  Similarly, the committee seeks to utilise our expanded membership to increase the profile of the club in the community with a view to revitalising our membership numbers.

In addition, Jacqui Sinnatt has offered to assist the committee in areas such as Programme and Exhibitions

 The 2024-25 committee was elected unanimously and comprises:

President: Burgess Taylor
Vice President: (year one) Kristin Mason
Secretary: Paul Mason
Treasurer: Dennis Durack
Internal Competition Secretary: Emmanuel Papadopoulos
External Competitions Secretary: Amanda Wright
Programme Secretary: Kristin Mason
Membership Secretary: Dennis Durack
Publicity Secretary: Paul Mason
Exhibitions Secretary: tbc
Webmaster: Burgess Taylor
Jane Arnold Forster: BEAT liason
Nilou Darvish
Annie Hackett

Responsibilities will be revised by the new committee.